It's been a journey

I've learned a lot, along my way.  I've learned for years  WHAT DOESN'T work for me! I have finally found what DID! Now, my passion is guiding other women like myself.

Hi I'm Marabeth

Ohhh yes, it's been a journey!  
As you can see, I have not always been fit and healthy.  I'm a mom of 2 and I'd have to say for the 6 years after my youngest was born, I still had not found my groove back. 

This wasn't for lack of trying! It took me a WHILE to figure out that my approach was all wrong!  My actions of searching for different programs and trying to go all in, was just not working for me!

Once I understood that it was MY APPROACH and NOT ME that was failing, things changed!

It's an amazing feeling when you see progress.  Not only progress in your fitness level, but progress in your mental state, your emotional state, and your confidence.

I've lost an overall 60+ pounds, gained muscle, leaned out, and feel better than ever these days!! 

My goal was to have the energy to play with my kids. I was sick of being the mom that was always too tired, and I wanted to feel good in my skin and actually like getting dressed again!

The only difference between me and anyone else that has these goals, is that I've figured it out.  I've flipped the script and took the approach from a new angle.  The angle of looking inward, and focusing on the small habits.  The angle of fitting "it" into MY LIFE instead of fitting my life into some program.

If this mom of 2 can lose this weight, find energy, and still do all the things that need to get done YOU CAN TOO!